

Want to get involved, but not sure which committee to join? Help us help you, complete and return Committee Member Questionnaire

  • Adult Education – Identifies need/interest for adult educational programs and coordinates implementation. Chair*: Tammi Kraushaar
  • Art – Determines choice as well as proper installation of all art displayed in the synagogue. Chair*: Gail Weinstein 
  • Audit – Chair: TBA
  • Board of Education – Works with our Director of Youth and Family Learning to oversee Religious School operations. Chair: Hannah Zweibel & Heather Jacobson
  • B’Yadeynu (Social Action) – Promotes causes of social justice, helps those in need, and reaches out to local and national communities. Chair: Ken Malley*
  • Brotherhood – Men of all ages form this congenial group. They meet for Sunday breakfast, sponsor lectures and help to support the synagogue’s educational, fundraising and religious life behind the scenes. President*: Philip Thierman
  • Chesed (Caring) – Provides help and support to the Emanuel community in times of need. Chair: Ken Malley*
  • Cemetery – Oversees the sale and maintenance of cemetery plots and administrative cemetery operations. CONTACT:
  • Chevra Kadisha (Holy Society) – Ensures our dearly departed are protected and prepared for burial according to Halakha (Jewish law) Chair*: Faith Helene
  • Endowment – In conjunction with a professional planner, provides investment oversight, sets Endowment Fund investment policy, establishment of new funds and planned giving. Chair*: Alan Parker
  • Finance – Formulates and provides oversight of the annual budget, responsible for major expense review prior to Board of Trustees approval. Chair*: Mickey Libbin
  • Fundraising – Plans/executes all events designed to raise additional funds for the synagogue. Chair*: Mel Simon
  • Gabbai (Torah Service Assistant) – Appoints, trains, and assigns congregants to be gabbayim during Torah services and to coordinate bimah duties (e.g., handing out aliyot). Chair*: Barry Feigenbaum
  • House Committee – Works in conjunction with the Executive Director to oversee building improvements and maintenance. Co-Chairs*: Rick Lasker, Alan Goodman
  • Membership – Works to increase membership, monitor member satisfaction, review lapsed or cancelled memberships. Chair: Michalee Merritt
  • Minyonaires – Men and women of all ages that support our daily prayer service, provide breakfast Sunday – Thurs. to all minyan participants, and support other synagogue needs and special occasions. Chair*: Gladys Mondshein
  • Music – Assists in the planning, format and publicity of musical events. Chair*: Regina Miller
  • Ritual – Advised by our rabbi and cantor, this congregant committee establishes and maintains the religious standards of The Emanuel Synagogue, promoting the practice of living as a Conservative Jew. Chairs*: Don Miller or Charlotte Bower
  • Camper Grants – Reviews and acts upon scholarship requests for USY and Jewish summer camp. Chair*: Joanne Pasternack.
  • Sisterhood – Comprised of women of all different ages, and at different life stages. We are affiliated with Women’s League for Conservative Judaism. President*: Rachel Arnett

*Committee leaders may be reached by contacting the synagogue office (email or 860-236-1275) for contact information.