The B’Yadeynu (Social Action) Committee sponsors The Emanuel Synagogue’s Annual Food Drive to benefit local food banks
Groceries will NOT be collected this year. Instead, we will collect monetary donations. Monetary donations actually enable food pantries to purchase more groceries. The need is greater than ever! If every Emanuel household were to donate $10 we could potentially raise over $5,000 to combat food insecurity in our community.
Donations will benefit:
Please write the check to: The Emanuel Synagogue with B’Yadeynu FOOD DRIVE in the memo line. Checks may be sent to: The Emanuel Synagogue, 160 Mohegan Drive West Hartford, CT 06117
Questions? Contact:
Risa Davidson, 860-930-7486, Email Risa
or Janet Wallans, 860-278-4596, Email Janet.