The Emanuel Synagogue Annual Meeting


Jun 20, 2023    
7:30 pm

Please join us for The Emanuel Synagogue’s 104th Annual Meeting on Tuesday, June 20, at 7:30 p.m., in Silverman Auditorium; all are welcome to join us for 7 pm minyan before the meeting begins.

We will welcome our new Officers and Trustees and honor those Trustees who are cycling off our Board. We will also honor special volunteers, receive updates on the work of our committee and hear inspiring stories of how our clergy, leadership and congregants continue to carry on in the face of extraordinary challenges.

For planning purposesplease register for in-person attendance. All are invited to a dessert reception following the meeting,

The annual meeting will not be on Zoom or Livestream.


PLEASE NOTE: All members in good standing will be sent a copy via email of the proposed constitutional changes to be voted on for approval on June 20. You may also stop by the main office for a hard copy or request one be mailed to you by calling 860-236-1275.