Teen Education

Jewish learning for Teens – JTConnect

From cooking and yoga to Jewish ethics and philanthropy, there is something for everyone at JTConnect, where minds and souls enjoy a world of Jewish learning!

At The Emanuel JTConnect, offers teens a variety of courses from which to choose; CLICK for class details.

  • Meets Sundays, 10:30 am-12:00 noon
  • JTConnect offers 4 Terms per year

Madrichim Program (Teen Aides)

Open to those in grades 8 -12, Madrichim is our teen leadership program. Madrich translates as “guide,” and we encourage the teens who serve as Madrichim (the plural of Madrich) to view themselves ‘guiding our younger students on their Jewish journeys’. Being a part of the Madrichim program enables our teens to learn and grow as they nurture the next generations of Emanuel students.

Our Madrichim learn how to: build relationships, care for students in need, teach, and more. Depending on the class and teacher, Madrichim may assist with assignments, teach classroom lessons, lead activities, read stories, engage students who need help, and whatever else the teacher may need.

Students selected for the Teen Aide Madrichim program receive a modest stipend.

In order to serve as a Madrich/a you must:

  • Submit an application
  • Be enrolled in JTConnect or a Jewish Day School.
  • Be in 8th Grade by September 2024.
  • Commit to our work schedule
  • Have a willingness to be flexible in class and work requirements.
  • Have patience and enjoy working with young children.
  • For Resource Room Aides: excellent Hebrew reading skills

For details contact: Director of Youth & Family Learning.