Celebrating Shabbat

Friday Evening, Erev Shabbat

Every Friday evening minyan is held at sunset, participation is open to members and guests via Zoom.

Additionally at various times throughout the year, we hold Shabbat Under the Stars which incorporates an in- person outdoor musical service in keeping with current social distance guidelines. For a schedule of Shabbat Service times, visit the website front page.

Shabbat Morning

Saturday morning service anchors our prayer week. In addition to our in-person services, we are currently offering two virtual options via Livestream and Zoom on Saturday morning.

Siddurim can be accessed below:
Siddur for Shabbat Morning and Festivals
Siddur for Shabbat Evening and Festivals

Children, including those with special needs, are welcome to attend the main service, and are offered opportunities to participate:

9:00 am Main Sanctuary: Shacharit, “Torah at 10”, Sermon & Musaf.

11:50 am (approx.) Service conclusion: Children (below B’nai Mitzvah age) are invited to the bimah* for Adon OlamKiddush (wine blessing), Netilat Yadayim (hand wash blessing), and Motzi (bread blessing).

12 Noon (approx.) Kiddush: We gather weekly* for Kiddush as a congregation, and EVERYONE is invited! Open seating includes a buffet lunch. To sponsor a Kiddush, contact Kiddush Coordinator: Regina Miller.

Shabbat Afternoon/Evening

MinchaHeld in the late afternoon via Zoom, just prior to Maariv. Specialty classes beforehand are scheduled throughout the year.

Maariv & HavdalahEvery Saturday evening via Zoom Maariv Service is recited followed by Havdalah, and the congregation is encouraged to stand to usher out Shabbat.

We are happy to celebrate special occasions, birthdays, anniversaries, trips to Israel, etc. with an aliya to the Torah! If you would like to chant Torah, Haftarah or have an Aliya, contact Ritual Director Moshe Pinchover (860) 236-1275, ext. #117.

Kids & Families on Shabbat

Shabbat is an important component to a child’s Jewish education! Community building happens both in and outside of the classroom, and Shabbat is a wonderful opportunity to experience socializing together as a community. A bonus is that those who regularly attend Shabbat services are most prepared for their B’nai Mitzvah. Children of all ages are always welcome in our Main Sanctuary. There is a bookshelf with quiet toys, games and books for children to play and read at their seats!

Tot Shabbat (ages 5 and below, with their families): an interactive Shabbat service for preschoolers and a caregiver with songs, stories & games.

Family Services (grades K -7 and their families): A fun interactive activities for families with grade school children. Our 5th and 6th graders read Torah for us.

Jr. USY (grades 6-8) For middle school students. An age-appropriate service includes fun activities to support learning and engagement.