Daily Minyan

Daily Minyan

The Meaning of Minyan

‘Minyan’ refers to:

The daily prayer service AND the required quorum for the recitation of certain prayers.

A quorum of ten or more Jewish adults (male and/or female), over the age of Bnai Mitzvah, are required for minyan.

Kaddish (the Mourners Prayer) in commemoration of a Yahrzeit (anniversary of a death) may be said at any of our minyanim.

Minyan at The Emanuel Synagogue…

..is held twice a day 365 days a year!

  • Morning minyan: 7 am weekdays, 8 am Sundays / holidays, 9 am Shabbat morning
  • Evening minyan: At Sunset, as determined throughout the year; Minyan times updated weekly on our homepage.

Join us ANYTIME*!

Please let us know if we can add you to our minyan ON CALL list, to be contacted if we are short the required 10 attendees. CONTACT Ritual Director Moshe Pinchover, (860) 236-1275.

Both morning and evening minyan are offered in person and via Zoom; additionally, Shabbat Services and Holydays are offered via LiveStream. Check our home page for links and schedule.