Professional Staff

Executive Director

Jacob Schreiber
Email / 860-236-1275 ext. 112

Jacob brings a rich variety of experiences working in Jewish communal organizations. His leadership experience, institutional advancement, strategic thinking, and his commitment to Jewish values stood out to the search committee, clergy and staff, and ultimately to The Emanuel Synagogue Board of Trustees.

Jacob earned his bachelor’s degree in government and politics from the University of Maryland and his master’s degree in Arab Israeli Affairs from The Hebrew University. For the past 5 1/2 years, he was the President & CEO of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Hartford. Prior to that, Jacob was the CEO of the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City. He spent several years working for Hillel, first as Executive Community & National Projects Officer for Hillel International and as Executive Director of Hillels of Georgia.

Jacob and his wife Edna Levy reside in West Hartford and are the proud parents of three adult children. Jacob is a competitive tennis player, theater enthusiast, Jewish educator and creator of alternative Jewish rituals, musical lyricist, and singer.

Please contact Jacob for all synagogue-related business concerns.

Director of Youth and Family Learning

Barbara Fink
Email / (860) 233-2774

Barbara Fink brings her love of Judaism and educational expertise to The Emanuel Synagogue. She has been recognized regionally for her award-winning programs, including: The Haunted Shul, Repairing the World One Mitzvah at a Time, and Matzah Factory. As our Director of Youth and Family Learning, Barbara engages our families with meaningful programs, encouraging parents to be the teachers of the material and Jewish values. Barbara works to create community among school families through Mom’s Night Out, family Shabbat dinners and Camp Shalom Tashlich programs, and engages pre-school families through playdates in our Early Childhood Center and creating Shema bears at the local Build-a-Bear. Feeling strongly that learning Hebrew is more than rote memorization of prayers, Barbara has added Hebrew Thought Movement, language comprehension, and modern usage to our Hebrew learning program, giving Emanuel students an ability to have simple conversations in Hebrew as well as actively participate in shul services.

Barbara holds a Masters in Education from Rutgers University and has taught in the NYC public schools for more than a decade. A former graduate of Solomon Schechter Day School of Essex and Union (now Golda Och Academy) in N.J., Barbara spends summers at Camp Ramah in the Berkshires where she has served as counselor, Rosh Edah (division head), programming director and most recently a Yoetzet, an advisor to counselors, and Roshei Edah. She resides in West Hartford with husband Jonathan and their two children Hannah and Mason. 

Contact Barbara Fink about Religious School for your children, special learning needs, and family education.

Engagement Coordinator

Josh Cohen

A native of West Hartford, Josh Cohen has worked exclusively in the Jewish community for the last 18 years. Josh grew up at the Mandell JCC, working there in high school and spending his summers at Camp Shalom as a staff member. After serving as Teen Director at the JCC, Josh joined BBYO, where he has served as the Senior Regional Director of the Connecticut Valley Region for the last 14 years. During this time, the program has grown from 200 to more than 1500 teens.

Josh is known as a Jack-of-all-Trades and for thinking outside the box and bringing new and unique program experiences to different communities. He is an avid fisherman and an award-winning chef on the Kosher BBQ circuit.

When Josh, his wife Evelyn and their two kids Jacob and Madelyn are not taking part in Emanuel programs, they can be found at the beach, or spending time with family and friends.

Rabbi's Assistant

Lisa Taylor
Email / (860) 236-1275 ext. 116

Lisa Taylor is Rabbi Small’s assistant, and she also provides office backup.  She enjoys working with the Emanuel staff and congregation and likes being part of the Emanuel team. As the rabbi’s assistant, Lisa Taylor is responsible for setting up the rabbi’s appointments, serving as liaison with b’nai mitzvah families and the rabbi, sending yahrzeit letters and a wide range of other administrative tasks.

Lisa’s interests include fashion, sewing, photography, music, and hiking. Stop in to see her dressed in festive costumes at holiday times.


Kathy Hart
Email / 860-236-1275 ext. 113 

Kathy Hart is the Bookkeeper at the Emanuel Synagogue. She is responsible for many aspects of the synagogue’s accounting function. For many years, she has been responsible for the bookkeeping for her family’s garden center business, Revay’s Gardens in Broad Brook. She enjoys meeting new people and being part of the Emanuel Synagogue family. In her free time, Kathy enjoys bike riding, cooking, and spending time with her ever-growing number of grandchildren.

Cemetery Administrator

Karen Piacenta
Email/ 860-214-6156

Karen spent the majority of her career in the financial industry working primarily in New Business Development. A native New Englander, Karen currently resides in Wethersfield. In her leisure time she enjoys cooking, hiking, and spending time with her daughter Rachel and goldendoodle Cooper.

Please contact Karen directly for any Emanuel Cemetery* needs, including plot purchase(s), grounds or chapel management.

*For Beth Hillel Cemetery Inquiries: Alan Goodman, 860-644-8673

Tammi K.

Membership & Community Services Manager

Tammi Kraushaar
Email/ 860-236-1275 ext.110

As a former Beth Hillel member who found a new home at The Emanuel, Tammi Kraushaar is happy to keep increasing her involvement
in Emanuel’s vibrant synagogue life. Tammi serves as chair of the Adult Education Committee as well as a member of the Board of Trustees.

Tammi has recently joined our staff on a part time basis, responsible for coordinating all facility rentals and other special events. She will also serve as the ‘go to person’ to address member dues questions and follow up issues.


Finance Specialist

Wendy Greco

Wendy Greco is the Emanuel finance specialist, handling bank account reconciliations, financial support and special projects. She was the main bookkeeper at The Emanuel for five years. Wendy has 20 years experience in accounting, bookkeeping and HR.

She is an avid boater and enjoys summers on her ocean yacht, the Wendy Lynn. Wendy enjoys playing bridge, painting, doing puzzles and spending time with her close-knit family.

School Administrator

Gail Mackey
Email / 860-233-2774 ext. 121

Gail Mackey grew up in the New York Area (Queens, Long Island), and graduated from Franklin & Marshall College in PA and got her Masters in Student Personnel Administration from State University College at Buffalo. She worked as a Financial Aid Counselor at Rutgers University for 7 years. She moved to West Hartford in 1995 and joined the Emanuel Synagogue in 1998. In 1999, she began working in a variety of positions in the Religious School; Tot Shabbat Leader, Yad B’Yad leader, Substitute teacher, Paraprofessional, Kindergarten teacher, and for the last 16 years, Religious School Assistant Director. All three of her children, Dylan, Evan, and Irene attended Emanuel Religious School and became Bar and Bat Mitzvah and attended Beit Sefer Tichon at the Emanuel. Gail became a Bat Mitzvah in the Adult Bat Mitzvah class of 2005.

Marketing & Promotions

Abby Hicks
Email / 860-236-1275 ext. 200

Abby Hicks joined the Emanuel Synagogue as our Marketing Manager & Administrative Coordinator. She brings advanced skills in social media, graphic design, and communications from her experiences at Travelers Insurance, Quinnipiac University’s Office of Student Engagement and Cashman Katz. Abby holds a B.A. of Arts in Advertising and Integrated Communications from Quinnipiac University, earning Summa Cum Laude honors (she also speaks Chinese). Abby likes crafting and sewing – and is excited to work with our team and to meet our members. You can reach Abby by email, or stop by the office and say hello.

Facilities Manager

Joseph Ward

Joseph Ward is the head custodian at The Emanuel, where he has worked for more than 10 years. Joe is in charge of all activities at the synagogue – from set up to clean up – and is responsible for the maintenance of the building. He is on call 24/7, and with his positive attitude and great spirit he keeps the synagogue running…..when you need something done, look for Joe!

When not putting in long days at work, Joe enjoys rooting for the Dallas Cowboys, the New York Yankees and spending time with his teenaged daughter.

To reach Joe Ward, call 860-236-1275 or by email.

Custodial Staff

Derrick Daley

Juan Zavala