The Emanuel Synagogue Receives $5000 Grant
from the Connecticut Natural Gas Company
Support Made Available under Connecticut’s
Neighborhood Assistance Act Tax Credit Program
December 14, 2021
The Emanuel Synagogue has received $5,000 (Five thousand dollars and 00/100)
award from the Connecticut Gas Company under the provisions of the State of
Connecticut Neighborhood Assistance Act (NAA) Tax Credit Program, as administered
by the Department of Revenue services.
Since 2010, United Illuminating (UI), Southern Connecticut Gas (SCG) and Connecticut
Natural Gas (CNG) — all subsidiaries of AVANGRID, Inc. — has awarded $4.2 million
in grants through the NAA Program. The program offers a corporate tax credit to
encourage businesses to provide financial support to qualified local nonprofit
organizations improve energy efficiency and reduce their energy costs.
The Emanuel has been awarded these funds for needed boiler repairs.
The Emanuel Synagogue is a Conservative congregation in West Hartford CT, which
has served the Jewish population of Greater Hartford for over 100 years.